The Humility Picnic is a message about how to humble ourselves first as well as how to accept the individual without condoning the sin of the lifestyle. (Ro 1:18-23) As Christians when all we do is point the finger at them, denounce them and shame them, we simply reject them further.
People who identify as LGBTQ already know deep down that the lifestyle is wrong. What was the humility picnic? It provided the message and opportunity for the Church to repent so we can be an offering to LGBTQ and show the love of Christ. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
We need to first humble ourselves before the Lord and repent.
“The purpose of the humility conference is that we have so much pride as Christians. One of the keynote speakers at the picnic, Stephen Black, lived an active homosexual lifestyle for eight years before giving his heart to Christ and turning from that lifestyle.